Flying Fillies News

Announcing Flying Fillies

Historical kids’ action/adventure story shines spotlight on the heroic, unsung WASP of WW2!
announcing flying fillies book for good summer read children's book for ww2
announcing flying fillies book for good summer read children's book for ww2
Historical kids’ action/adventure story shines spotlight on the heroic, unsung WASP of WW2!

Discover a chapter of WWII history missing in American classrooms with Flying Fillies.

“Every WASP trainee was a volunteer,” says author Christy Hui. “They quit their jobs, kissed their families goodbye, said farewell to everything and everybody they knew, and headed to Texas. Unfortunately, these women received no help from the military, so they either hitchhiked or paid for their ticket to Sweetwater. As civilians flying military planes, the WASP even had to buy their own uniforms. Their willingness to make personal sacrifices demonstrated their extreme dedication and patriotism.”

This new historical fiction book for ages 8 and up will have parents and grandparents eagerly reading along with the younger generation. Set against the backdrop of Pearl Harbor in the early days of World War II, Christy Hui’s Flying Fillies—The Sky’s the Limit introduces readers to the fearless WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots).

Formed to free up male pilots for battlefield roles abroad, the WASP program trained female pilots for domestic ferrying and other duties. The first WASP squadron took to the skies in September of 1942. Based at Avenger Field in Sweetwater, Texas, the WASP program graduated one thousand seventy-four female pilots before it ended in 1944. These brave women flew all types of military aircraft, from pursuit planes like the P-51 and P-63 to bombers like the B-17, B-25, and B-29 Flying Fortress.

With generous support from Lisa Taylor, executive director of the National WASP WWII Museum in Sweetwater, Texas, Flying Fillies showcases vivid historical photos that bring to life the real heroines who shattered glass ceilings in the U.S. Air Force eighty years ago.

“The WASP were some of the bravest female pilots in American history—an elite flying squadron that offered invaluable service to the United States in its time of need. Yet, incredibly, most Americans are only learning about these women now—eight decades after they gave their service and, in the case of 38 pilots, their lives, as well,” remarks Taylor

The WASP’s courage, discipline, and perseverance make them inspiring role models for kids of every generation. Those admirable traits also drive the book’s 12-year-old main character, Dawn Springfield, to do her part for the war effort by volunteering for filing work at Avenger Field, near her home.

The WASP program was challenging, both mentally and physically. So when Dawn learned that the WASP trainees, in addition to flight and physical training, had to complete more than 400 hours of ground school, absorbing essential subjects like physics, Morse code, and navigation, she was surprised: “Don’t tell me a life of adventure and excitement includes sitting in a classroom learning math.”

The young cowgirl quickly learns first-hand, from America’s top female pilots, that to achieve extraordinary things, dreaming alone isn’t enough. It takes doing—and a lot of it.

Flying Fillies is available on Amazon for family enjoyment, in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle eBook:

About the National WASP WWII Museum

The Museum, located in Sweetwater, TX, is the country’s only organization that exists solely to preserve the history of the Women Airforce Service Pilots. Our mission is to promote their legacy and protect the airfield on which they trained. Through our interactive historical and STEM exhibits, tours, and events, visitors experience first-hand how the WASP opened doors for all women to have a place in aviation. This knowledge inspires and empowers all ages—young and the young at heart.

About Flying Fillies

A surprise attack on Pearl Harbor plunges America into World War II! Everyone must do their part, including 12-year-old Dawn Springfield in sleepy Sweetwater, Texas. Dawn volunteers at Avenger Field, where her aunt Georgia has joined the WASP—Women Airforce Service Pilots—whom Dawn nicknames The Flying Fillies. Their stories, courage, and dreams of flying show Dawn that glass ceilings are made to be flown straight through. Official website:

About the Author

Christy Hui is an award-winning producer and writer known for creating “Xiaolin Showdown” and “Xiaolin Chronicles.” A love of female empowerment led her to write her first children’s book, “Flying Fillies.” She lives in Florida and is available for select speaking engagements. Click to learn more:

Title:                           Flying Fillies: The Sky’s the Limit

Author:                       Christy Hui

Publisher:                   Kokomo Entertainment Inc.

Price:                           eBook-$9.99 | Paperback-$12.99 | Hardcover-$19.99


Contact:                      Jordan Lee


Phone:                         727-447-4992