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World War II Facts For Kids: 10 Amazing Things To Learn

Learn about WWII and why the WW2 generation is often called the “Greatest Generation.”
World War II Facts For Kids-ww2 fun facts
World War II Facts For Kids-ww2 fun facts
Learn about WWII and why the WW2 generation is often called the “Greatest Generation.”

Table of Contents

Are you looking for educational and engaging World War II facts for kids? From brave female pilots to children helping the war effort, these fascinating fun facts about WW2 and stories will capture kids’ imagination while learning important history lessons.

Many parents and teachers struggle to explain World War II to children in an age-appropriate way. This guide shares 10 important facts about WWII that kids need to know, helping young minds understand this crucial period in history.

1. Two Sides Fought in World War II: Allies vs Axis

One of the most important facts about World War II for kids to understand is that the war had two main sides. The Allied Powers included:

  • Britain
  • France
  • Russia
  • China
  • United States

Fighting against them were the Axis Powers:

  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Japan

The war began when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. This act prompted Britain and France to declare war on Germany.

2. The Greatest Generation

WW2 brought everybody into action. Any man of fighting age was encouraged to join the fight, and recruiting and training for battle became swift. Men fought on both sides of the ocean in record numbers, while women and children worked hard to support the war efforts at home.

The people who fought in World War 2 are often called the “Greatest Generation.” The United States, Britain, and the Allied powers collaborated and fought together for the common good.

3. WWII Was Our Last Declared War

The U.S. has engaged in several armed conflicts since WWII. However, to be “at war” legally in the U.S., Congress has to declare war officially. This is part of our constitution.

The last time Congress declared war was in 1942 against Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania. These were members of the Axis powers. Since then, there has been no official declaration of war.

4. What Started World War II?

Before World War 2, the leaders of the Axis powers made some bad decisions. These decisions hurt not only others but also their populations.

The people of Germany and Italy suffered during the Great Depression. During this time, most of the world’s money was in the hands of a few people, leaving many poor and facing starvation.

In the United States and many Allied powers, people turned to democracy as a solution. Democracy means that the country’s citizens get to pick their leaders to represent their voices. As a result, the citizens voted for officials to help them escape the Great Depression and prosper.

Unfortunately, some bad people in the Axis powers decided to take advantage of those who were suffering. They would promise them better lives only to go back on their promises once in power. The most infamous figure was a man named Adolf Hitler in Germany.

He founded the Nazi Party and, once in power, decided to occupy more land by invading Poland.

5. Hitler’s Rise to Power In Germany

In a democracy, elected officials are supposed to help those who voted them into office. But unfortunately, the Nazi Party, under Hitler’s direction, chose to hurt and kill some of their people.

The types of German people Hitler targeted were those of Jewish ancestry, those with diminished physical abilities, and others who did not live up to Hitler’s vision of the “perfect race,” also known as the “Aryan race.”

However, Hitler still had to maintain the support of the majority of the public to stay in power. So, how did he do that?

He did so by blaming problems in the country on these targeted groups of people.

This is another reason why the Allied Forces had to step in. Many Germans were unaware that their elected politicians were doing this initially, but it had to be stopped. Hitler and his Nazi Party killed over 6 million Jews, known as the Holocaust. Other groups were also targeted by the Nazis, including:

  • Jehovah’s Witnesses
  • Roma Gypsies
  • People with disabilities

6. The Holocaust: A Dark Chapter in WWII

During the Holocaust, the Nazis would gather Jewish people from their homes and send them to concentration camps. As a result, many Jewish people were forced into hiding or exile, fleeing to safer places, including the United States and Shanghai, China.

The Holocaust was a form of genocide, the killing of one group of people.

7. Women Soar Into History: The WASP Story

While men were typically the workers in the American household at the time, most went to war. This led women to take on essential roles, including as pioneering military pilots.

Have you heard of Rosie the Riveter? She became a WW2 culture icon representing women working in factories and manufacturing airplanes and ships. But even more remarkable were the women who flew those airplanes!

The Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) broke barriers as America’s first female military aviators. These brave women:

  • Flew 60 million miles for their country
  • Delivered 12,650 aircraft
  • Freed male pilots for combat missions
  • Mastered every military aircraft


WASP pilots had to be braver than male pilots in one way – they flew planes without any weapons! Their military aircraft didn’t have guns for defense, even when flying in dangerous conditions.

TEACHER TIP: Connect this section to discussions about:

  • Gender equality in the workplace
  • Breaking stereotypes
  • Women in STEM fields
  • Modern-day female pilots

8. Children Join the War Effort

Fortunately, the U.S. had the help of its entire population to get through the war, and it wasn’t just women!

Kids were an enormous help in the war efforts. Children would:

  • Buy stamps for war bonds,
  • Can food with their mothers,
  • Collect scrap metals,
  • Grow produce in “Victory Gardens” at home and in schools

The children’s efforts helped feed local communities and enabled more food to be sent to the fighting men abroad.

Because of the massive demand for raw materials such as metal and rubber to produce weaponry, metal drives, and save-the-rubber initiatives were held throughout the country. Children and their families collected and delivered these raw materials.

Children also played an important part in raising funds by buying and collecting stamps in exchange for war bonds, which Uncle Sam used to finance the war efforts. This approach helped the U.S. win the war and lift the country from the Great Depression!


WWII cost the U.S. Government over $300 billion, about $4 trillion in today’s money. Americans purchased war bonds worth a total of $180+ billion. So, war bonds financed 60% of the cost of World War II.

9. Famous Battles of WW2

Battles in World War II were divided into two theaters: the European Theater, which included battles in Europe, and the Pacific Theater, which included battles in the Pacific regions.

The Battle of Britain

The Battle of Britain, initiated by Germany and fought over Great Britain’s skies, was the first major military campaign ever fought entirely by air forces. This aircraft battle lasted from July 10 to October 31, 1940. Germany’s Air Force was called the Luftwaffe, and Britain’s was the Royal Air Force (RAF).

The Doolittle Raid

This air strike happened in the early days of World War II. On April 18, 1942, the United States launched an air raid on Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, in retaliation for Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The successful operation, led by Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle, boosted American morale and caused Japan to pull many of its military forces back to protect its homeland.

Although the Doolittle Raid was a successful air strike against the Japanese, a horrific consequence resulted in the Japanese reprisal toward the Chinese, killing 250,000 civilians and 70,000 soldiers in China for protecting the American airmen.


The Invasion of Normandy, June 6, 1944. Also known as D-Day, this was the largest seaborne invasion in history. More than 160,000 Allied troops landed along 50 miles of the French coastland of Normandy. More than 5,000 ships, including aircraft carriers and 13,000 aircraft, supported the soldiers, but the Allied suffered a significant loss as 9,000 soldiers were killed or wounded.

The Battle of the Bulge

This battle began on December 16, 1944, and lasted about 5 weeks. It was an offensive move from Germany through the Ardennes forest between Belgium and Luxembourg. Germany used up all of its resources and lost, leaving a big hole for the Allies to drive through towards Germany.

10. America’s Secret Weapon: Everyone Helped!

One of the most inspiring fun facts about WW2 is how everyone participated in the war effort – including children! American kids made an impact as they:

  • Collected scrap metal and rubber
  • Grew vegetables in Victory Gardens
  • Bought war bonds with their savings
  • Made “Canned food” for soldiers

Women also stepped up in unprecedented ways. The brave Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) flew military aircraft at home, freeing male pilots for combat missions.

Want to learn more about these extraordinary female pilots? Our historical novel “Flying Fillies” brings their inspiring story to life through the eyes of Dawn, a 12-year-old girl who discovers that glass ceilings are made to be flown through.

Get your signed hardcover copy today!


Grade Level: 2nd to 8th Grade

Subject Areas:

  • History
  • Social Studies
  • Character Education
  • Women’s History

Discussion Questions:

  1. How did children your age help during WWII?
  2. Why was it important for everyone to work together?
  3. What barriers did the WASP pilots have to overcome?

Activity Ideas:

  • Create a Victory Garden plan
  • Design a war bonds poster
  • Write a letter to a WASP pilot
  • Calculate war bond savings with period prices

Frequently Asked Questions – WW2 FAQ

Let’s wrap up with some common questions about World War II.

How Long Did the War Last?

World War II lasted six years, from September 1, 1939, to September 2, 1945.

Why Did People Listen to Hitler?

Hitler spread propaganda, or false information, to convince the population that the Jewish people caused the country’s problems. Many rejected this notion until Hitler rose to power, as he then used force to accomplish what he wanted.

How Many People Died in WWII?

While Hitler killed 6 million innocent Jews, the total death toll of World War II was much higher. Worldwide, it’s estimated that 60 million people died in World War Two, mostly civilians. However, some estimates are as high as 75 million.

Did Every Country Fight in WW2?

While it is called a “World War,” not every country fought. For example, in Europe, Spain and Switzerland stayed neutral. Many other larger countries stayed neutral, especially in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

Share These World War II Facts For Kids

Understanding World War II helps children better comprehend today’s world. These WWII facts for kids showcase the challenges and the incredible ways Americans worked together – including young people like you!

Want to experience this fascinating history through the eyes of a 12-year-old girl?

In “Flying Fillies,” young Dawn Springfield discovers the extraordinary WASP pilots training at Avenger Field in Sweetwater, Texas. Through their extraordinary friendship, Dawn learns that with courage and determination, glass ceilings are made to be flown through.

Your special signed hardcover copy of the book includes:

  • Authentic historical WASP photos
  • “Looking Back” educational section
  • Real wartime America details
  • Perfect gift for ages 7-14

Get Your Signed Hardcover Copy – $35


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Christy Hui
Christy Hui is an award-winning writer/producer for works including Xiaolin Showdown, Xiaolin Chronicles, and 9 Dragons Tea. Her debut novel, Flying Fillies, spotlights female empowerment—a theme near and dear to her heart.